Unique guestbook belonging to Jean-Paul Galland, state chancellor in Geneva from 1961 to 1978, filled with a wide assortment of autographs from notable intellectuals, politicians, scientists, and religious leaders, with various affixed portraits and candids inside. Highlights include: Haile Selassie, Montgomery of Alamein (ALS and SP), CERN founders (Pierre Micheli and Felix Bloch), Conference Internationale sur L'utilisation de L'Energie Atomique (Niels Bohr, John D. Cockroft, Ralph Bunche, Lewis Strauss, Isidor Isaac Rabi, and others), Eleanor Roosevelt, Norodom Sihanouk, Chinese Marshal Chen Yi, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Farah Pahlavi, Prince Philip, Golda Meir, and Muammar Gaddafi.
Other signers include: King Olav V, King Hussein of Jordan, Anthony Eden, Konrad Adenauer, Ilya Ehrenburg, Dag Hammarskjöld, U Thant, John Foster Dulles, Antoine Pinay, Augustin Bea, Willy Brandt, Georges Pompidou, Rusty Schweickart, Moshe Dayan (SP), Makarios III (SP), Kurt Waldheim, Chaim Herzog, Abba Eban, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Pierre Messmer, Francois Mitterand, Leopold Sedar Senghor, Donald Coggan, Juan Carlos I and Sofia of Spain, and others. A secretarially-signed portrait of JFK is also affixed inside. In overall fine condition. A unique compilation of scientists and world leaders of the Cold War and atomic age.