Rare official French-language program for the jumping event as part of the Paris 1900 Summer Olympics equestrian competition, held at the Place de Breteuil on May 29, 1900, 6.25 x 9.5, two pages, with front reading (loosely translated): “Universal Exhibition of 1900…International Competitions of Physical Exercises and Sports, International Equine Concours of the Exhibition of 1900, Organized by the French Equine Society…Barrier Tests.” The program opens to reveal a chart of the 44 participants (back of program features the final six riders), which lists horse names, gender and dress, horse age, and the names of the owners. The chart features the names of the three winning horses and their respective riders/owners: Benton II, Aimé Haegeman of Belgium (gold), Winsor Squire, Georges Van Der Poele of Belgium (silver), and Terpsichore, Louis de Champsavin of France (bronze). In very good to fine condition.