Sold For: $1,038
*Includes Buyers Premium
American showman (1860–1942) who began his career as a trapper and Pawnee interpreter and later became a partner in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. TLS signed “G. W. Lillie,” one page, 8.5 x 11, Pawnee Bill’s Oldtown letterhead, May 6, 1932. Lillie writes to cowboy star Ken Maynard. In part: “There has been nothing definitely settled on the World’s Fair deal excepting that the management of the Fair are anxious that I should put on a big Wild West show for them. I have their contracts made out in full and all I have to do is to sign them and return them in order to close the contract but the conditions in the contract are not what I would like to have. The Exposition are asking for a percentage only of the gross receipts. This is the part that I do not like. I am now working on them trying to get them to accept a percentage of the profits after all expenses are paid and I do not know whether it will be possible to accomplish this or not…. You suggested in your wire that you could arrange to fly down here on the 15th…. The 30th is Decoration Day and the 29th, Sunday, both of which days you do not work anyhow. I am putting on a big Rodeo and Indian Pow Wow on those dates and I am very sure that you would enjoy it and I will use your pictures and name just as strong as I can through the newspapers of Tulsa, Oklahoma City, etc. Which I am sure would be a big advertising attraction for you…. Now, Ken, I am sincere in this World’s Fair project but I do not want to go into it without an excellent possibility of making money for it is going to be a hard job on both of us….” A few staple holes, mild toning at edges, and light handling wear, otherwise fine condition. R&R COA.