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Lot #174
Soviet Magnetic Data Tape Recorder

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Estimate: $200+
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Ruggedly-built Soviet magnetic tape recorder, measuring approximately 7˝ x 7˝ x 5˝, with attached 22˝ cables. The case identifies the unit as "ИС-1211, N74991160," and with the top lettered in Cyrillic (translated): "Attention! Before removing the armor case cover, unlock the lock screw." In very good to fine condition.

Note: this recorder is incomplete but serves as an interesting display item; the second tape reel, recording heads, and tape path rollers were removed from the inside, but it is externally complete. It is an unusual coaxial recorder design. The tape passes from the reel under the removable top and the path takes the tape across and down past the electronics into the lower chamber where the second reel and recording heads would be located. This is an unusually long path for the tape in a coaxial-reel recorder. The use of this recorder is unknown to the consigner, but he was told it was for an early Soviet space application. It has shock mounts but also unusual is that the shock-absorbing material is not rubber but is a stainless steel material like a scouring pad. That suggests the unit was designed to be able to tolerate high temperatures. Though the rugged construction raises a possible use as a flight data recorder, these usually have more extensive thermal protection.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Fine Autograph and Artifacts Featuring Science & Technology and Animation
  • Dates: #705 - Ended December 11, 2024