Impressive collection of manuals, charts, and publications related to the Space Shuttle program, including: a staple-bound NASA manual entitled "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Vol. 16—Payload Deployment and Retrieval System," dated September 14, 1979; a staple-bound NASA manual entitled "EMU OPS 2102, EMU CWS OPS Familiarization Workbook, Advanced Training Series, For Training Purposes Only," dated March 1980; a bracket-bound NASA manual entitled "Flight Data File Plan, Crew Activity Plan, STS-2, Orbital Test Flight," dated August 14, 1981; a NASA manual entitled "OFT Flight Rules, STS-2 Flight, Flight Operations Directorate," dated September 15, 1981; a bracket-bound NASA manual entitled "Flight Procedures Handbook, STS-2, Ascent/Orbit/Entry Pocket Checklist," dated October 9, 1981; a staple-bound NASA manual entitled "STS-4, Operational Flight Profile, Volume II, Profile Summary, Cycle 5, (June 27, 1982 Launch Date," stamp-dated July 6, 1982, with front cover annotated by original owner; a color 41 x 15.5 mission chart for the flight of STS-34, edition 1, June 1989, prepared and published by the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center; an STS-2 mission summary poster; two issues of the Rockwell News newsletter, dated October 28, 1981 and January 20, 1982; and a group of five Rockwell International press releases. Three of the manuals are held in a three-ring binder. In overall very good to fine condition.