Collection of published material related to the Space Shuttle program, including: a NASA contractor report (NASA CR-1981) for the “Space Shuttle Environmental Control/Life Support Systems,” prepared by Hamilton Standard, dated May 1972; a softcover copy of Space Shuttle: The History of Developing the National Space Transportation System by Dennis R. Jenkins, published by Motorbooks in 1992; a Space Shuttle System Summary booklet, prepared by Rockwell International and dated July 1976; a pair of Orbiter Vehicle Development manuals for “Space Shuttle, Backup Flight System, Systems Design Review: Guidance, Navigation and Control,” consisting of Part I (Vol. 5) and Part II (Vol. 6), both prepared by Rockwell International and dated June 1977; a Space Shuttle News Reference booklet, prepared by the National Space Institute, bracket-bound inside a green folder; a spiral-bound USAF Academy “Announcement of Opportunity” booklet for the Project Scenic Fast, dated December 1, 1977; a North American Rockwell three-ring binder containing various internal letters, memorandums, and other office paperwork, with tabbed sections as follows: “Signature Block,” “Dept. 393 Employee List,” “Internal Letters & Gen. Instr.,” “Sample of Interface Control Document,” “NASA Non-Cont & Tec & Contractual Ltrs.,” and more; a folder entitled “The Space Shuttle Saga: Columbia” containing six informational photos; and an assortment of Space Shuttle-related packets and photos. Numerous booklets bear ownership notations or labels. In overall very good to fine condition.