Sold For: $221
*Includes Buyers Premium
American statesman (1760–1824) who was the youngest signer of the U.S. Constitution and who later served as the fourth Speaker of the House of Representatives and as a member of the Senate. Arrested in 1807 in connection with the Aaron Burr conspiracy case, he was never tried, but the scandal effectively ended his political career. ALS signed “Jona: Dayton,” one page, 6.5 x 7.75, no date. Dayton writes to the “Auditors appointed by the Court of common pleas for Essex County” [New Jersey]. In part: “You are hereby informed that there is due to me from said Aaron Dayton [likely a relative] the sum of Eleven hundred Dollars, for which I have his notes & acknowledgement … & am ready to produce the same, & exhibit them to you, whenever required or notified to do so….” In very good condition, with scattered allover toning and light staining, and a few small marginal tape stains. The writing is clear and dark throughout. R&R COA.