Now At: $357 (5 bids)
Next Bid: $393
The 30 Minute Rule begins April 9 at 7:00 PM EDT. An Initial Bid Must Be Placed By April 9 at 6:00 PM EDT To Participate After 6:00 PM EDT
Historic 9 x 2.5 swatch of floral-patterned wallpaper in pink and magenta cut from the president's box at Ford's Theatre in February 1866—a rare artifactual 'witness' to President Abraham Lincoln's assassination. The swatch is annotated on the reverse in ink, "Cut from Lincoln's Box in Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C. By P. T. Gates, Feb. 23, 1866." Includes a handwritten letter of the same date by Gates to his aunt, enclosing the wallpaper. In part: "Tonight finds me in the Capitol of this Great Nation. I never have happened to be here before during the Session of Congress,—but now I have the gratification. Every thing is in a strife over the Veto—The time has come and I hope not another date of the commencement of Rebellion. But I fear it's a date from which the South will again commence to regain their former powers. The Southerners are frank in endorsing the position the President has taken. He has made a move to please them…I was about to say, I should not feel sorry to have an opportunity to cutt from some wall paper before which his lost blood might flow! As I did the pieces which I enclose. Which I today cut from the partition walls of the Box in Ford's Theatre in which President Lincoln received his mortal wounds—Please give them to those that will prize them." Framed with glass on both sides to an overall size of 13 x 17, with a later note above: "Piece of wall paper cut from Lincoln's Box in Ford's Theatre Washington D.C. Feb. 23, 1866 By P. Tenney Gates (my cousin) and Gov't Detective." In fine condition.