(Walt Disney Studios, 1959) Marvelous original mini panorama concept painting by Eyvind Earle for Sleeping Beauty, which portrays Briar Rose seated at the edge of a woodland stream as a group of four birds fly peacefully overhead. Earle expertly captures the serenity of the moment, infusing the lush forest with softened hues of green and beige as a flow of bright blue stream water rushes below the feet of Briar Rose, here shown with closed eyes enjoying a well-earned respite after a morning spent picking berries in the forest. Accomplished in gouache on 14 x 6.25 artist's board, signed in the lower right corner in black paint, "Eyvind Earle." Archivally mounted and framed to an overall size of 22.5 x 14.75. In fine condition, with tack holes to corners.
Legendary Disney artist Eyvind Earle was Sleeping Beauty's production designer, and Disney gave him a significant amount of freedom in designing the settings and selecting colors for the film. Earle also painted the majority of the backgrounds himself, and his stylistic influence is readily apparent in the final product.