Two partly-printed DSs, one signed by Peter Colt and the other signed by Finn Wadsworth, both one page, 6.5 x 4.75 and 8.25 x 6.5, dated June 11, 1783, and February 1, 1789. The Colt-signed document is a State of Connecticut promissory note stating that it owes Benjamin Dowe “Four pounds six shillings…agreeably to the Directions of Act of the General Assembly, held at Hartford,” signed below by Colt as state treasurer; and Wadsworth-signed document is a pay order from the Pay-Table Office for “Two hundred & fifty two Pounds & Four Shillings” to be given to Abraham Baldwin “for Service in the Continental Army in 1781,” signed below by Wadsworth as a member of Connecticut's Committee of the Pay Table.” Both documents are affixed to slightly larger backing sheets. In overall fine condition.
Finn Wadsworth (1750/1751 - 1785) had been a major under General James Wadsworth from 1776-1779. He saw action in many battles but his health began to fail and he had to leave field service. He remained in service to the United States and Connecticut by serving on the Pay-table. Peter Colt (1748-1824) served as Connecticut state treasurer from 1790-1794 and paymaster in New England and eastern New York during the Revolutionary War. He was the grandfather of Samuel Colt, gun inventor and manufacturer.
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