Large collection of 315 official NASA photos of Space Shuttle hardware, payloads, and behind-the-scenes details, 8 x 10 and 10 x 8, with subjects including: the TDRS-C payload launched on STS-26, the USMP-1 and LAGEOS II payloads for STS-52, interface testing before STS-49, the cradle designed to hold the INTELSAT VI, the TDRS-F launched on STS-54, the Geotail satellite, the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite deployed on STS-48, the Space Shuttle Discovery's landing gear, Spacelab-J module, the Astro-1 launched on STS-35, various rocket motors and boosters, some payloads deployed on Delta and Titan rockets, and many others. Most have "This Paper Manufactured by Kodak" watermarks and NASA caption text on the reverse. In overall fine condition.