Three letters by Union generals from Massachusetts, including: Nathaniel P. Banks (ALS, March 1, 1867: "Accept my thanks for your letter and the statistics…between the United States and the Islands and states south of us"); Charles Devens (ALS, April 24, 1881: "I wish it were in my power to send you the photograph you desire. I have some I think among my books, which I shall hardly get unpacked before next fall"); and Benjamin F. Butler (TLS, May 14, 1889, to the editor of the Boston Post: "I find the following in this morning's Post:— 'General Butler thinks it very strange that a certain log book is not among the archives at Washington. He can't understand how any vessel could get near enough to a hostile force to be captured.' I thank you for the suggestion. With Porter in command I entirely agree with you"). In overall fine condition, with light staining and a missing corner tip to the Butler letter.