Original linen-backed patent lithographs for an improvement to the worm shaft of a phonograph by the Edison Bell Phonograph Corporation, three pages, 14.25 x 10, August 18, 1894. The improvement relates to vane governors for phonographs in which the vanes on the worm shaft are connected by cranks with a sliding pin passing down an axial hole in the shaft, and connected to a lever so that shifting the lever changes the position of the vanes. In ten figures, these diagrams depict the system in detail. The top borders read: "A.D. 1894. Aug. 18. No. 15,737. The Edison-Bell Phonograph Corporation [Ld.] & another's Complete Specification." The lower borders feature the printed text: "London. Printed by Darling and Son Ld. for Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1895" and "Malby & Sons, Photo-Litho." The right borders read: "This Drawing is a reproduction of the Original on a reduced scale." In fine condition. The Edison-Bell Phonograph Corporation was founded in 1892 to handle Thomas Edison's phonograph manufacturing rights in Great Britain; Edison Bell was given the exclusive right to manufacture phonographs in Britain, including the right to any improvements made by Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Chichester Bell, or Charles Sumner Tainter, all of whom had made significant advancements in phonograph technology.