(Walt Disney Studios, 1941) Fantastic original production drawing of the Crow Gang from Dumbo, showing the five helpful crows in a jubilant group pose. Accomplished in graphite and colored pencil on untrimmed 12 x 10 animation paper, which features copious animator's notes, including the names of each bird: "Dopey," "Jim," "Deacon," "Fats," and "Speck." The lower right is marked "24B," and the left side of the sheet contains coloring instructions for "Body outline," "Pupils," "Iris & eyelid," "Toenails," "Inside body lines," "eyeballs," "Beaks," "legs & feet," and "Clothes & Bal." The impressive total character image measures 10 x 5. In fine condition, with some wear and toning to edges, and a paperclip impression to the top edge.