Two handwritten letters from President Grover Cleveland, six total pages, 5 x 8, Executive Mansion letterhead, both addressed to George W. Hayward, a grocer and selectman from Buffalo, New York. The earlier letter, dated January 6, 1886, finds Cleveland requesting that they postpone a meeting, noting that the "next time you arrange it, there will I am sure be nothing in the way," with the signature clipped from the close of the letter. The second letter, dated February 8, 1888, signed at the conclusion by Cleveland, who writes, in part: "The main point of my letter is to tell you that of course you will come to the White House and stay while you are here and you can come when you please. I shall find time enough to have a good visit with you and when I am busy with other affairs I know you are quite able to take care of yourself." In overall very good to fine condition, with the referenced clipped signature from the earlier letter. Accompanied by the original mailing envelopes, both addressed in Cleveland's own hand.