Revolutionary War-dated ALS signed "Nichs. Cook," one page both sides, 9 x 13.5, Providence, August 20-21, 1777. Dramatic letter written from Providence, Rhode Island, reporting on John Burgoyne and Benedict Arnold. In part: "Some men of Credit came in to town about Noon today from Norwich. One of them Says Just as he was arriving of he Saw and Red a printed hand bill just got in from harford. The Substance of it was as follows that there was an acktion between the 2 armies at Stillwater the armies were there ingaged our people at the time the Express came away were in possession of the ground the Ennemy had left between three and four hundred dead upon the ground and that our people had taken Burgoyne and abt 400 Prisoners That General arnold was Killed in the Acktion that both Sides were Reinforcing fast how it finally Terminated was not Known when the Express came of this 1777 intelligence on which the hand bills were printed come to harford in a letter Sent by an Express from Gen Gates…I wrote the former Part of this last Evening Expecting to Send it of this morning by george olney doant go Till Tomorrow…This afternoon came to town for our New london Captain Deshons who informs gov. Trumbull had received a second Express from Gen. Stark at Benington informing that there was about 1500 of the Ennemy that our People engaged that we had taken abt 790 prisoners 5 pieces of Brass Cannon with all the stores and so forth belonging to them with all their Baggage and Camp utensils and had put them totally to the rout and were then in persute of them that had Escaped great numbers were Slain but as they were Scattered all over the woods it was impossible as yet to ascertain the number He Rote to gov trumbull to send him all the men he could posibable as soon as possible it is very Probable that if reinforcements arives pretty Spedily that he Will attack Ticonderoga if Bergoyne Dont Retreat immediately Back there he also informed that they had had further particulars Respecting the fight at or near fort Stanwise that our people had Killed 400 there that most of the officers that Commanded the Ennemys party were Killed…It is also Reported that Gen. Arnold is gone to Command at fort Stanwise." In fine condition, with seal-related paper loss to the integral address leaf.