Ten photos signed by the developers of the Apollo Lunar Rover, including: four color laserprint photos, 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 8.5, each signed in black ink or felt tip by Georg von Tiesenhausen, which includes images of the Saturn V rocket and the Lunar Roving Vehicle; and six glossy photos, ranging in size from 8 x 8 to 10 x 8, each signed in black felt tip by Ferenc Pavlics, which includes images of Pavlics posing with a model rover and the rover on the moon. In overall fine condition. Tiesenhausen was a German rocket scientist (1914-2018) who joined NASA after being brought to the United States in 1953 as part of Operation Paperclip; he is credited with the first complete design of the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Pavlics (born 1928) is a Hungarian-born mechanical engineer who started the development for NASA’s Apollo Lunar rover.