(Walt Disney Studios, 1937) Original production cels featuring Snow White, a bucket, and three doves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, showing her as a peasant washing the steps in the beginning of the film. The cels have been trimmed and applied to an airbrushed background as prepared by Courvoisier Galleries for sale. Main character image measures 2.25 x 5, with a mat opening of 5.5 x 7.5. Archivally framed to an overall size of 17 x 19. Reverse bears a label indicating that this was exhibited at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1994-1995 as part of the exhibition 'Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: An Art in its Making.' In fine condition. A true museum-quality piece from a classic film. Learn more about our Animation Expert Harry Kleiman