(Walt Disney Studios, 1928) Original production drawing featuring Mickey Mouse from Plane Crazy, drawn by Ub Iwerks, showing him in an exasperated state. Accomplished in graphite on untrimmed 12 x 9.5 animation paper. Image measures 1.5 x 1.5. In fine condition. Plane Crazy was extremely significant in the history of animation, as it marked the creation of Mickey Mouse. The short was co-directed by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, with Iwerks serving as the main animator. Plane Crazy was a silent film and given a test screening to a theater audience, but failed to pick up a distributor; later in 1928 Disney released Steamboat Willie as a very successful sound cartoon, which is generally considered Mickey's debut despite being made after Plane Crazy. Learn more about our Animation Expert, Harry Kleiman.