Collection of space journalist Mary E. Bubb’s materials related to the MA-8 launch of Wally Schirra aboard the Sigma 7 on October 3, 1962, including: two pages of her handwritten notes in ballpoint on Western Union ‘press message’ paper, in part: “Canton Island, as passed over Muchea…flare…looked like solid block of light. Still observe sent temp closely…Can’t hear Sigma 7 now…8:42 Calif. felt fine—on top of suit temp cont. problem—very good shape—‘chimp configuration’…particles—John’s ‘friends’…Schirra advises little warm…broken clouds…will attempt light flares”; a NASA press release; recovery ship wire-teletype transmission page; and several pages of typed reports. In overall very good to fine condition. Accompanied by one of Bubb’s business cards from the 1990s and a biographical sheet. From the collection of aerospace memorabilia specialist Ken Havekotte.