Fine collection of sixteen limited edition softcover books published by Eurographica, each signed by the author, including: William Styron (A Tidewater Morning); Norman Mailer (A Fragment from Vietnam); Milan Kundera (Le Jeu de l’Auto-Stop); Stephen Spen der (Twenty-Five Poems); Eugene Ionesco (two books: Les Chaises; and La Photo du Colonel et Autres Recits); Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Selected Poems); Margaret Atwood (Hurricane Hazel and Other Stories); Hans Magnus Enzensberger (Ausgewahlte Gedichte: 1957–1983); Gore Vidal (The Ladies in the Library and Other Stories); Philip Roth (Looking at Kafka); Luise Rinser (Ein Bundel Weisser Narzissen und Andere Erzahlungen); Patricia Highsmith (Where the Action Is and Other Stories); Siegfried Lenz (Ein Kriegsende); Leopold Sedar Senghor (Lettres d’Hivernage); and John Updike (Love Factories, Three Stories, with a Foreword). In overall fine condition. A handsome collection of internationally celebrated writers.