Early settler responsible for the acquisition of the famous ‘Twin Sisters’ cannons (1766–1841). ADS, eight pages on two sets of adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 12.5, October 8, 1822. Lengthy inventory of items in an estate penned mostly in Clopper’s hand and certified at the conclusion, in part: “The above & foregoing is a True list of articles Received by me from Robert C. Bruffee…relative to the Estate of Jacob Jennings deceased.” Items on the list include “1 bag leaf Tobacco,” “2 handsaws,” “1 Cow hide & Bear skin,” “1 black bottle whisky,” “1 pocket Compass,” “1 Bridle & Saddle,” and “1 Black horse.” Includes three additional documents in other hands also concerning the estate. In fine condition, with expected document wear. Provenance: The Robert Davis Collection.