Impressive collection of sixty items, consisting primarily of photos, signatures, and articles, as well as a few letters, each signed by a winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, including: Gerd Binnig (SP), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (signature), Georges Charpak (SP and signature), Leon Cooper (signature), Johann Deisenhofer (SP), Leo Esaki (article), Val Logsdon Fitch (signature), William Fowler (booklet and signature), Ilya Frank (signature), Jerome Isaac Friedman (SP), Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (signature), Ivar Giaever (article), Donald A. Glaser (signature), Sheldon Lee Glashow (article), Werner Heisenberg (TNS), Robert Hofstadter (signature), J. Hans D. Jensen (signature), Brian Josephson (article), Henry Way Kendall (SP), Klaus von Klitzing (SP), Leon M. Lederman (signature), Simon van der Meer (signature), Rudolf Mossbauer (article), K. Alex Muller (SP), Arno Allan Penzias (article), Alexander Prokhorov (signature), James Rainwater (signature), Norman F. Ramsey, Jr. (article, signature, and envelope), Lord Rayleigh (signature), Burton Richter (signature), Heinrich Rohrer (SP), Carlo Rubbia (article and signature), Ernst Ruska (SP and booklet), Martin Ryle (booklet), Abdus Salam (SP), Arthur L. Schawlow (article and signature), Robert Schrieffer (article), Melvin Schwartz (SP and two signatures), Julian Schwinger (signature), Emilio G. Segre (signature), William Shockley (sketch), Kai Siegbahn (article), Jack Steinberger (ANS), Richard E. Taylor (SP), Samuel C. C. Ting (signature), Charles H. Townes (AMS), Ernest T. S. Walton (ANS and signature), Steven Weinberg (SP), Robert Wilson (signature), and Kenneth G. Wilson (signature). In overall fine condition. Accompanied by many of the original mailing envelopes.