Pair of ALSs to Louis Persinger by Yehudi Menuhin and Isaac Stern. The Menuhin letter, three pages on two sheets, March 22, 1962, in part: “Congratulations on your admirable activities, your fascinating natural program which I would have loved to hear.” The Stern letter, three pages, February 16, 1966, in part: “I wanted to write these few words to tell you how much I enjoyed your book ‘Why the Violin?’ The title alone prepared me for pleasurable anticipation…It pleased me most, I suppose, because it so coincided and confirmed most of my own conclusions over the years.” In overall fine condition. Accompanied by their original mailing envelopes. Originate from the collection of American violinist and pianist Louis Persinger (1887–1966), who trained at the Leipzig Conservatory and later taught at Juilliard, mentoring both of these legendary violinists. RR Auction COA.