Collection of 10 letters from various authors on a variety of topics, consisting of both ALSs and TLSs. ALSs are from Edward Albee, Anthony Burgess, Henry Miller, and John Updike. TLSs are from Marc Connelly, William Gibson, John Hersey, Mary McCarthy, Upton Sinclair, and Richard Wilbur. Updike’s letter, in part: “‘Cunts’ is a poem, not a novel, and can be found in my latest collection of poetry, Tossing and Turning.” Wilbur’s, in part: “I have pipe-wrenches and reinforced concrete in my poems, as well as cow-dung and the like, and think that all these things belong to us and to poetry.” Hersey’s, in part: “The big change since that Life piece you referred to has been the enormous impact of television…We can’t blame a younger generation for a lack of interest or a fall-off of skill in reading if the older generation sits watching the tube all day and night.” In overall fine condition. RR Auction COA.