Forty color photos of various finishes, ranging in size from 3.5 x 5 to 6 x 4, each signed in ink or felt tip by the jockey, trainer, or official pictured. Signers are: Thomas Albertrani, Ronald Allen, Jr., Russell Baze (3), Rafael Bejarano, Joe Bravo, Shaun Bridgmohan, Cot Campbell, Javier Castellano, Eddie Castro, Gary Contessa (2), Chris DeCarlo (2), Jose Espinoza, Victor Espinoza (2), Earlie Fires, David Flores (2), Pablo Fragoso, Mark Gundry, Timothy Hills, Julien Leparoux (3), Paco Lopez, Richard Mandella, Willie Martinez (3), Pablo Morales, Corey Nakatani, Jose Ortiz (2), Brian Sears, Elvis Trujillo (2), and Cornelio Velasquez. In overall fine condition. RR Auction COA.