Sold For: $2,027
*Includes Buyers Premium
ALS signed “Mrs. E. E. Haisman,” two pages, lightly-lined, 5 x 7, no date, but circa 1986. Letter reads, in part (with grammar and spelling retained): “I was 15 years old when we went on board the Titanic…The ship was no doubt a floating palace…On the night of the 14th we all turned in about 10-30 but before we went below everyone remarked at the violent drop in temperature. I was awakened about 11/0 by the ship giving a violent shudder she went into the iceberg three times before she stop my father went up on & said we have to get dressed and come up on deck at once the ship was sending up rockets & the life boats were being swing out my father went down with the Titanic my mother & I were saved.” Haisman also signs again at the top of the first page in her return address. Moderate dampstaining to top and bottom edges, otherwise fine condition. Such detailed first-hand accounts from survivors are rather uncommon. RR Auction COA.