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Lot #1494


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Large collection of 347 golf cards, each signed in felt tip by the golfer pictured. Signers include: Payne Stewart, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Seve Ballesteros, Gary Player, Lee Trevino, John Daly, Fred Funk, Hale Irwin, and Greg Norman. In overall fine condition.

Complete list of signers: Tommy Aaron, John Adams, Mitch Adcock, Jim Albus, Fulton Allem, Michael Allen, Jerry Anderson (2), Billy Andrade, George Archer (2), Emlyn Aubrey, Tommy Aycock (2), Paul Azinger, Butch Baird, Ian Baker-Finch (2), Seve Ballesteros, Jerry Barber, Miller Barber, Dave Barr, Andy Bean and John Huston, Andy Bean (2), Frank Beard, Chip Beck (3), Brade Bell, Don Bies, Ronnie Black, Phil Blackmar, Jay Don Blake (3), Homero Blancas, Gay Brewer (2), Bill Britton, Paul Broadhurst, John Brodie, Lance Ten Broeck, Mark Brooks, Billy Ray Brown, Olin Browne, Bob Brue, Bart Bryant, Brad Bryant, Patrick Burke, Tom Byrum, John Paul Cain, Mark Calcavecchia (2), David Canipe (3), Mark Carnevale, Billy Casper, Jon Chaffee, Brandel Chamblee, Bob Charles (2), Bobby Clampett (2), Brian Clark, Keith Clearwater, Russ Cochran, Jim Colbert (3), Frank Conner (2), Charles Coody, John Cook, Carl Cooper, Fred Couples (5), Ben Crenshaw, Mike Cunning, John Daly (5), Eamonn Darcy, Rodger Davis (2), Marco Dawson, Jay Delsing, Rolf Deming, Jim Dent (3), Bruce Devlin, Terry Dill, Ed Dougherty, Dale Douglas, David Edwards, Lee Elder, Steve Elkington, John Elliot, Bob Estes, Brad Fabel, Nick Faldo, Brad Faxon, David Feherty, Rick Fehr, Jim Ferree, Ed Fiori, Bruce Fleisher, Ray Floyd (2), Doug Ford (2), Dan Forsman, Robin Lee Freeman, Robert Friend, David Frost, Fred Funk, Jim Gallagher, Jr., Robert Gamez, Buddy Gardner, Al Geiberger, Kelly Gibson, Gibby Gilbert (2), Bob Gilder, David Gilford, Bill Glasson, Bob Goalby, Dick Goetz, J. C. Goosie, Wayne Grady, David Graham, Lou Graham (2), Hubert Green, Ken Green, Scott Gump, Jay Haas, Gary Hallberg, Dan Halldorson, Jim Hallet, Donnie Hammond, Dudley Hart, Steve Hart, Mike Harwood, J. P. Hayes, Dick Hendrickson, Nolan Henke (2), Harold Henning, Greg Hickman, Dave Hill, Mike Hill (5), Lon Hinkle, Simon Hobday (2), Scott Hoch (2), P. H. Horgan III, Ed Humenik, Mike Hurlbert, John Huston, John Inman, Hale Irwin (3), Peter Jacobsen, Mark James, Don January, Lee Janzen, Joe Jimenez, Howie Johnson, Steve Jones, Mike Joyce, Tom Kite (3), Kenny Knox, Greg Kraft, Steve Lamontagne, Neal Lancaster, Bernhard Langer, Larry Laoretti, Tom Lehman, Greg Lesher (2), Wayne Levi (2), Bruce Lietzke (3), Gene Littler, Bob Lohr, Davis Love III, Mark Lye, Sandy Lyle, Andrew Magee, Jeff Maggert, Roger Maltbie (2), Doug Martin, Don Massengale, Dick Mast, Billy Maxwell, Billy Mayfair, Rives McBee (2), Blaine McCallister, Mark McCumber (4), Bill McDonough, Jim McGovern, Paul McIntire, Mark McNulty, Rocco Mediate, Larry Mize, Colin Montgomerie (4), Orville Moody, Gil Morgan (2), Walter Morgan (2), Larry Mowry, Jodie Mudd, Larry Nelson, Bobby Nichols, Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman, Andy North, Mark O’Meara, David Ogrin, Jose Maria Olazabal, Arnold Palmer, Craig Parry, Jerry Pate, Steve Pate, Corey Pavin (2), Calvin Peete, Dave Pegge, David Peoples, Chris Perry, Kenny Perry, Peter Persons, E. J. Pfister, Gary Player (2), Dan Pohl (3), Don Pooley, Jimmy Powell, Nick Price, Dillard Pruitt, Tom Purtzer, Fran Quinn, Ronan Rafferty, Mike Reid, Dick Rhyan, Steven Richardson, John Riegger (2), Larry Rinker, Loren Roberts, Phil Rodgers, Chi Chi Rodriguez, John Ross, Dave Rummells, Bill Sander, Doug Sanders (2), Gene Sauers, Dave Schreyer, Ted Schulz (2), Tom Shaw, Tom Sieckmann, Charlie Sifford, Scott Simpson, Tim Simpson, Joey Sindelar, Vijay Singh, Sonny Skinner, Ben Smith, Mike Smith, J. C. Snead (2), Mike Springer, Craig Stadler, Mike Standly, Payne Stewart, Ken Still, Dave Stockton, Curtis Strange, Mike Sullivan, Hal Sutton, Brian Tennyson, Doug Tewell, Rocky Thompson and Mike Hill, Dicky Thompson, Leonard Thompson, Rocky Thompson, David Toms, Sam Torrance, Lee Trevino (2), Kirk Triplett, Chris Tucker, Bob Tway, Howard Twitty, Tray Tyner, Stan Utley, Bobby Wadkins, Lanny Wadkins, Duffy Waldorf, Art Wall, Denis Watson, Dewitt Weaver, D. A. Weibring, Greg Whisman, Bob Wolcott, Jim Woodward, Ian Woosnam, Robert Wrenn, Bert Yancey, Kim Young, Bruce Zabriski, Kermit Zarley, Walt Zembriski, Larry Ziegler, Fuzzy Zoeller, Richard Zokol. RR Auction COA.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Rare Manuscript, Document & Autograph
  • Dates: #406 - Ended April 17, 2013
mgctlbxN$MZP mgctlbxV$5.3.7 mgctlbxL$M