Wooden cigar box, 9.25 x 2.75, featuring the imprint ‘Rail Splitter’ on top of the lid, the words ‘Perfectos Cellophane’ on the front panel, and a color composite image of Abraham Lincoln on the left side panel. On the underside of the lid is an advertisement featuring the same image of Lincoln, adding the words ‘Rail Splitter’ above his likeness, with a log cabin and the White House flanking the president. Imprint on the bottom panel reads: “Factory No. 1609 1st District, State of Penn. Notice: The Manufacturers of the Cigars herein contained have complied with all the requirements of law. Every person is cautioned not to use either this box for cigars again, or the stamp thereon again, nor to remove the contents of this box without destroying said stamp under the penalties provided by law in such cases.” In very good condition, with the expected wear from age and handling, chipping to the border, and some mild staining and soiling. RRAuction COA.