Thirty-three items consisting of mostly one-page ALSs, TLSs, cards, photos, and a program, dating from the 1900s to the 1990s. Includes: four ALSs from Cyrus Adler, David Yulee, Isaac D’Israeli, Max Nordaw; 22 TLSs from Cyrus Adler, Feliz Adler, Menachim Begin, Norman Bentwich, Josef Burg (2), Eddie Cantor, Simcha Erlich, Israel Goldstein, Solomon Hurok, Leone Levi (with postscript), Ludwig Lewisohn, Julian Mack, Jan Pierce, Otto Schiff, Ariel Sharon, George E. Sokolsky, Stephen S. Wise (3), Lucian Wolf, and Haim Zadok; card from Hermann Adler; program from S. Y. Agnon; and five photos from Menachim Begin (2), Israel Goldstein, Chaim Herzog, and Benjamin Netanyahu and Klaus Kinkel. In very good condition to fine condition. An amazing assortment representing nearly 100 years of Judaica and Jewish leaders. RRAuction COA.