Iconic American cartoonist (born 1943) who created the classic underground “comix” Zap and Snatch, featuring the overtly sexual escapades of Mr. Natural, the grotesquely voluptuous Angelfood McSpade, and many others. ALS signed “R.Crumb,” one page on an off-white 3 x 5 card, February 6, 1982. Crumb responds to an aspiring cartoonist. In full: “Thanks for letting me look at your comic strips for possible inclusion in “Weirdo”…. The strips are pretty good, but I think you are still developing as a cartoonist and haven’t reached the stage of doing your best work…Your heart is in the right place and you like the ‘right’ stuff, so keep working at it is all I can say.” A few small spots to blank portions, otherwise fine condition. R&R COA.