Excellent ALS, one page, 8.5 x 11, Finca Vigia, Cuba letterhead, April 10, 1959. Hemingway writes to Wendell Palmer at the Scribner Book Store in New York. In part: “Would you please send to Waldo Peirce [American artist, 1884–1970, once called the “Ernest Hemingway of American painters,” who painted his friend Hemingway for a 1937 Time magazine cover] … and charge to my account one copy each of A Farewell to Arms, Death in the Afternoon, Green Hills of Africa, To Have and Have Not, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Across the River and Into the Trees, The Hemingway Reader & will you also please send him a copy of The Professional by Wm. Heinz—published in 1957 by Harpers. [Hemingway called The Professional, actually published in 1958, “The only good novel I’ve ever read about a fighter and an excellent novel in its own right.”]Will you also please send and charge to me a copy of Death in the Afternoon and A Farewell to Arms to Mr. and Mrs. Winton Gray—Sun Valley Idaho and a copy of Death in the Afternoon to Dr. George Saviers [Hemingway’s doctor and one of the pallbearers at his funeral]—Sun Valley Idaho & a copy of the Hemingway Reader to Father J. T. O’Connor—Hailey Idaho....” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope addressed in Hemingway’s hand. A few pencil checkmarks to text (evidently by an employee of the bookstore), otherwise very fine, clean condition. A most unusual “roll call” of some of the writer’s most iconic works! Auction LOA John Reznikoff/PSA/DNA and R&R COA.