Legendary ecdysiast (born 1932) whose story detailing her life in and out of clothing was the subject of the book and subsequent film Blaze. ALS, one lined page, 8.5 x 11, no date. Starr’s notorious “report” of a liaison with John F. Kennedy. In part: “Oh yes, there was a lot of things I didn’t tell in my book or the movie ‘Blaze’…. In Jan. 1960, JFK, Jackie and LBJ from Texas came to the sho-bar [sic] where I was performing…. [At the Roosevelt Hotel in Washington] I took JFK by the hand and led him to another room. He led me right on into a large closet…. LBJ stood guard at the door. I took my bra and tied it to the door knob, and over a hanger…. We were just having a grand old time…. I put my sweater on, I already had my skirt and shoes on, I came out, and left the bra hanging…. JFK slid to the back of the closet…. While Earl [Long] had everyone hunting for [my mink] coat, JFK slipped out of the closet. JFK told me later, I took longer to win my [sic] body, than any election he had ever been in….” Starr has also added a color self-portrait, a small sketch of a rose, and a lipstick print kiss. In fine condition. R&R COA.