Docketing signature, “Mr. Jefferson,” in the bottom margin of a letter sent to him by Congressman William Branch Giles, one page both sides, 7.75 x 9.5, September 25, 1801. The text of the letter, which is an introduction for a Mr. Tebeuffe, reads, in part: “He is the son of a gentleman of that name, who some years ago came from France to the United States, with a view of establishing himself in some part of the western country, but in making the attempt, was unfortunately murdered by the Indians.... After the death of the father, and during the minority of the son, the family was put on the list of emigrants by the then government of France [referring to the France’s Revolutionary–era list of political “undesirables” who were considered enemies of the state and were subjected to permanent exile and forfeiture of personal property]. Mr. Tebeuffe having received assurances that their names will now be erased from the emigrant list proposes to visit his native country, with a view of making his respects to his Mother, who is still living, and as far as may be practicable of reclaiming his estate. Mr. Tubeuffe sensible of the high consideration attached to your name in France, conceives, that letters from you of his good conduct here, will essentially facilitate the execution of his objects....” Giles then goes on to describe Tubeuffe and his employment in the mercantile business. Jefferson earned the “high consideration” of the French government during his tenure as Minister to France from 1785 to 1789, during which time he lived in a house on the Champs Élysées in Paris. In very good condition, with a few light scattered spots and stains (mainly to margins and blank portions), mild toning to area of signature, and a few tiny chips and tears. Jefferson’s signature, though small, is dark and distinct. Auction LOA John Reznikoff/PSA/DNA and R&R COA.