One hundred ink and felt tip signatures on individual 5 x 3 cards. Signers include Medal of Honor Recipients from WWII, Korea and Vietnam as well as various other heroes including Doolittle’s Raiders, Aces and Boyington’s Blacksheep Squadron members: William Birch, Bill Bower, R. E. Cole, Bernard Fisher, Michael Fitzmaurice, James Flemming, Eugene Fluckey, Robert Foley, Ed Freeman, Tom Griffin, Harold Fritz, R. E. Galer, Andrew Goodpaster, Nathan Gordon, Stephen Gregg, D. H. Hackworth, Barney Hajiro, Ed Harper, John Hawk, Bill Heier, James Hendrix, Rudolfo Hernandez, Nolan Herndon, Silvestre Herrera, J.L. Holloway, Ed Horton, Robert Howard, Thomas Hudner, Paul Huff, Robert Ingram, Einar Ingman, Daniel Inouye, Arthur Jackson, Joe Jackson, John Jacobs, Don Jenkins, Frank Kappeler, Robert Keeton, Allan Kellogg, Thomas Kelley, Jim Kinsman, George Lang, William Lawley, Howard Lee, Peter Lemmon, Gary Littrel, Charles W. Lindberg, James Livingston, James Logan, Jose Lopez, Jack Lucas, Allen Lynch, Richard McCool, Norma McCorney, Vernon McGarity, David McNerney, Walter Marm, Bob Maxwell, Gino Merli, Hiroshi Miyamura, Ola Mize, Robert Modrzejewski, Raymond Murphy, Charles Murray, Carol Mutter, Chase Nielsen, Michael Novosel, George O’Brien, Scott O’Grady, Yukio Okutsu, Ed Olander, Robin Olds, Nicholas Oresko, Mitchell Paige, Horst Petzschler, Everett Pope, Alfred Rascon, Ronald Ray, Louis Rocco, Joseph Rodriguez, Ronald Rosser, George Sakato, Clarence Sasser, Henry Schauer, Edward Schowalter, Robert S. Scott, Robert Simanek, Richard Sorenson, Jim Swett, James Taylor, Max Thompson, Michael Thornton, Leo Thorsness, John Tominac, Jay Vargas, Dirk Uug, George Wahlen, Ernest West, Paul Wiedorfer and Hershell Williams. In fine condition. R&R COA.