Lot of approximately fifty period-signed baseball photos signed in ink or ballpoint by the player pictured. Most were team-issued 8 x 10 glossy photos that were cropped and neatly mounted to sturdy black binder pages to silhouette the player against its background creating a wonderful presentation! The teams represented include the Dodgers, Phillies, and Reds. Signers include: Gus Bell, Ewell Blackwell, Jim Brosnan, Leo Cardenas, Elio Chacon, Gordy Coleman, Johnny Edwards, Gene Freese, Ival Goodman, Bill Henry, Jay Hook, Ken Hunt, Fred Hutchinson, Joe Jay, Darrell Johnson, Ken Johnson, Sherman Jones, Jerry Lynch, Jim Maloney, Reggie Otero, Bob Purkey, Jim O'Toole, Jim Turner, Jerry Zimmerman, Harry Anderson, Ruben Amaro, Jack Baldschun, Bennie Bengough, Johnny Buzhardt, Bob Carpenter Jr. (Phillies owner), Wes Covington, Clay Dalrymple, Chico Fernandez (2), Don Ferrarese, Tony Gonzalez, Dallas Green, Pancho Herrrara, Don Demeter, Willie Jones, Ken Lehman, Art Mahaffey, Jack Meyer, Jim Owens, Dave Philley, Clem Labine, Bobby Malkmus, Wally Post, Ken Walters, Preacher Roe, Eddie Sawyer, Ray Semproch, Charley Smith, Frank Sullivan, Elmer Valo, and Lee Walls. In fine overall condition. Some great names here seldom if ever found on an image and interestingly displayed. R&R COA.