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Lot #215
US Treasurers and Signers of Currency: Autograph Archive of (150+)

Ends On 4/9

Now At:  $242 (3 bids)

Next Bid:  $267

Estimate: $1000+

The 30 Minute Rule begins April 9 at 7:00 PM EDT. An Initial Bid Must Be Placed By April 9 at 6:00 PM EDT To Participate After 6:00 PM EDT

Server Time: 3/16/2025 11:26:27 AM EDT
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Unique archive of over 150 autographs of signers of the paper money of the United States, highlighted by a number of earlier signatures and letters plus a quantity of $1 and $2 bills signed by United States Treasurers and Secretaries of the Treasury. The archive effectively represents the whole history of the financial system of the United States from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, with autographs ranging from early Treasury Secretaries Samuel Dexter and William H. Crawford to modern-day names like Henry Paulson, Timothy Geithner, and Jack Lew. Especially notable are autographs of Fred M. Vinson, who also served on the US Supreme Court; John B. Connally, who served as Governor of Texas and was wounded in the JFK assassination; Carter Glass and Henry Steagall, namesakes of important banking legislation; famed philanthropist Andrew Mellon; trust-buster John Sherman; and Blanche Bruce, the first elected African-American senator to serve a full term. In overall fine condition.

Complete contents of the archive:

Multi-signed currency: John W. Snyder and Georgia Neese Clark Gray ($1 silver certificate and $2 United States note), Ivy Baker Priest and George M. Humphrey ($1 silver certificate), C. Douglas Dillon and Kathryn E. Granahan ($2 United States note), Angela M. Buchanan and Donald Regan ($1 Federal Reserve note), Katherine D. Ortega and Nicholas F. Brady ($1 Federal Reserve note).

Single-signed currency: Fred M. Vinson ($1 silver certificate), Henry Morgenthau Jr. ($1 silver certificate), John W. Snyder (two $1 silver certificates and a $2 United States note), Elizabeth Rudel Smith ($1 silver certificate and $2 United States note), C. Douglas Dillon (four $1 silver certificates, a $1 Federal Reserve note, and two $2 United States notes), Kathryn E. Granahan (two $1 silver certificates and a $1 Federal Reserve note), Robert B. Anderson (two $1 silver certificates and a $2 United States Note), William Alexander Julian ($1 silver certificate), Ivy Baker Priest (two $1 silver certificate and a $2 United States note), Henry H. Fowler ($1 Federal Reserve note and $2 United States note), Joseph W. Barr ($1 Federal Reserve note), David M. Kennedy ($1 Federal Reserve note), Dorothy Andrews Elston (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), John B. Connally (three $1 Federal Reserve notes), George P. Schultz ($1 Federal Reserve note), Romana Acosta Banuelos ($1 Federal Reserve note), William E. Simon ($1 Federal Reserve note and $2 Federal Reserve note), Francine I. Neff ($1 Federal Reserve note and $2 Federal Reserve note), Azie Taylor Morton ($1 Federal Reserve note), W. Michael Blumenthal ($1 Federal Reserve note), G. William Miller ($1 Federal Reserve note), Angela M. Buchanan (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), Katherine D. Ortega (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), James A. Baker III ($1 Federal Reserve note), Nicholas F. Brady ($1 Federal Reserve note), Catalina Vasquez Villalpando (two $1 Federal Reserve notes and an uncut sheet of four $1 Federal Reserve Notes), Mary Ellen Withrow (three $1 Federal Reserve notes), Lloyd Bentsen (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), Robert Rubin ($1 Federal Reserve note), Lawrence Summers ($1 Federal Reserve note), Paul H. O'Neill (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), Donald Regan ($1 Federal Reserve note), Rosario Marin ($1 Federal Reserve note), John W. Snow (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), Anna Escobedo Cabral ($1 Federal Reserve note), Henry Paulson (two $1 Federal Reserve notes), Jack Lew ($1 Federal Reserve note and $2 Federal Reserve note), Rosa Gumataotao Rios ($1 Federal Reserve note), and Timothy Geithner ($1 Federal Reserve Note).

Signers on various other formats: Andrew Mellon (signature), John Sherman (engraving), Blanche Bruce (DS), William S. Rosecrans (ALS), Francis E. Spinner (two signatures), William H. Crawford (signature), A. U. Wyman (LS and two signatures), William P. Fessenden (signature), Samuel Dexter (signature), Robert J. Walker (signature), William M. Meredith (signature), Hugh McCulloch (signature), David F. Houston (signature), James Gilfillan (signature), Henry Steagall (signature), Carter Glass (two signatures), Carmi Thompson (signature), John Burke (TLS), Glenni W. Scofield (signature), James N. Huston (signature), Frank White (signature), John C. New (signature), John Allison (signature), James W. Hyatt (signature), Daniel N. Morgan (TLS), Ellis H. Roberts (ALS and signature), Judson W. Lyons (check), William G. McAdoo (TLS and signature), Franklin MacVeagh (signature), Daniel Manning (signature), John G. Carlisle (signature), Fred M. Vinson (FDC and TLS), John W. Snyder (TLS and engraving), Georgia Neese Clark Gray (TLS and signature), Ivy Baker Priest (TLS), George M. Humphrey (two signatures and a Time Magazine cover), Robert B. Anderson (signature and engraving), Elizabeth Rudel Smith Gatov (ALS), C. Douglas Dillon (two signatures and an engraving), Kathryn E. Granahan (two TLSs and signature), Henry H. Fowler (engraving and signature), Joseph W. Barr (signature and engraving), Dorothy Andrews Elston (TLS and signature), David M. Kennedy (ALS, TLS, SP, and two engravings), John B. Connally (TLS, engraving, and signature), Romana Acosta Banuelos (two TLSs), George P. Schultz (engraving), William E. Simon (engraving), Azie Taylor Morton (TLS), Catalina Vasquez Villalpando (signature), W. Michael Blumenthal (engraving and brochure), G. William Miller (engraving, brochure, and signature), Mary Ellen Withrow (TLS), Lloyd M. Bentsen (signature), Francine I. Neff (FDC), Paul H. O'Neill (FDC), Henry Morgenthau Jr. (TLS), William H. Woodin (two signatures), and Ogden L. Mills (engraving and signature).

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Fine Autographs and Artifacts Featuring Civil War and Abraham Lincoln
  • Dates: March 14, 2025 - April 09, 2025
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