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Lot #157
American Statesmen - Ltd. Ed. Book Set (40) with Autographs of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and More

Rare limited edition set of 40 'American Statesmen' biographies, specially bound with autographs of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and dozens of fellow founders

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Rare limited edition set of 40 'American Statesmen' biographies, specially bound with autographs of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and dozens of fellow founders

Rare limited 'large paper' edition of the 40-volume biographical book set entitled "American Statesmen," published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. from 1898-1900 and 1908-1917, with all volumes numbered 57/500. This remarkable complete set was printed and bound by the Riverside Press of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in handsome full crushed green morocco gilt; every volume is extra-illustrated with an original letter or document signed by the subject. Highlights include Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Marshall, James Madison, James Monroe, Abraham Lincoln, U. S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt. Autographic conditions range from good to fine, with various scattered staining, splits to folds, and trimmed edges resulting from the binding process. The books are likewise generally good to very good, with spines uniformly darkened, many weak joints (some broken), and general exterior wear.

Complete descriptions:

First series.
1. Benjamin Franklin - DS
Manuscript DS signed "B. Franklin," one page, 7.75 x 6.5, June 13, 1787. Pay order issued to Treasurer David Rittenhouse, in part: "Pay to John Nicholson Esquire or order the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds for defraying the contingent Expences of the Comptroller General's Office including expences for firewood for the Pennsylvania guards and Oil for the Lamp kept in the guard room." Prominently signed at the conclusion by Franklin and endorsed several times by Nicholson on the reverse. Folded and tipped into Benjamin Franklin by John T. Morse, Jr. In very good condition, with a partial split to the vertical fold, affecting the very beginning of Franklin's signature, and the book's front board detached.

Franklin signed this as president of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, a position analogous to the modern position of governor. The resolution approving this pay order is documented in the Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania, published by the state. A superb and interesting piece signed by Franklin in the course of his important governmental work.

2. Samuel Adams - LS
LS signed "S. Adams," one page, 7.25 x 9.25, June 10, 1788. Letter to Dr. Samuel Williams in Cambridge, in part: "I am to acquaint you, that the joint Committee of the Overseers and Corporation of Harvard College at a meeting this day, adjourned to Saturday next at the County Court-house in this town, ten o'clock AM, to make further inquiry into the grounds of sundry reports circulated to your disadvantage." Folded and tipped into Samuel Adams by James K. Hosmer. In good to very good condition, with partial splits to folds (including one approaching the top of the signature, and one through the "m").

A graduate of Harvard College, Samuel Adams earned his bachelor's degree in 1740 and his master's in 1743; in his thesis, he argued that it was "lawful to resist the Supreme Magistrate, if the Commonwealth cannot otherwise be preserved," indicating his political view of colonial rights. Here he writes to minister Samuel Williams, who was as the 3rd Hollis Chair of Mathematicks and Natural Philosophy at Harvard. Williams was forced out of Harvard in disgrace, accused of mishandling funds, spending too much money on his wife, and forgery; Adams evidently makes reference to these charges in the present letter.

3. Patrick Henry - DS
Manuscript DS, signed "P. Henry," one page, 7.25 x 11.75, May 1, 1786. As governor of Virginia, Henry certifies that "John Brown, the person subscribing the foregoing transcript from the records of the General Court, was at the time subscribing & now is Clerk of the said Court; and that full faith & credit ought to be given to all things by him so subscribed." Signed at the conclusion by Henry; attached is Brown's true manuscript copy of a document related to a court case. Folded and tipped into Patrick Henry by Moses Coit Tyler. In very good condition, with dampstaining and repairs to split intersecting folds. Famed for proclaiming 'Give me liberty, or give me death!' at the Second Virginia Convention in 1775, Henry went on to serve as the first and sixth governor of Virginia. This document originates from toward the end of his second stint in office, which lasted from December 1784 to December 1786.

4. George Washington - DS
Manuscript DS signed "Go: Washington," one page, 5 x 7.75, August 20, 1771. Manuscript document, in part: "Then came John...before me and made oath that he served the within Petition on Thos. Lewis the 5th day of July Last." Boldly signed at the conclusion by Washington. Trimmed and inlaid into a larger sheet, and tipped into George Washington (Vol. I) by Henry Cabot Lodge. In very good condition, with tape repairs to several split folds; Washington's signature is extremely bold and not affected. Thomas Lewis (1718-1790) was the first surveyor of Augusta County, Virginia, serving from 1745 to 1777; much of George Washington's great wealth was acquired by surveys of land under his authority.

5. Oliver Wolcott - ALS
ALS signed "Oliv: Wolcott," one page, 8 x 9.75, June 18, 1818. Handwritten letter to politician and writer Gulian C. Verplanck, in part: "You have in my opinion treated this very important subject in a manner exactly proper & have given a lead which will be followed by others. Our country was settled during a superstitious & fanatical age, but many of our Founders were neither superstitious nor fanatical. It is important to maintain the distinction between the Independents & Brownists." Folded and tipped into George Washington (Vol. II) by Henry Cabot Lodge. In very good condition, with some tears and splits to intersecting folds.

6. John Adams - ALS
ALS signed "John Adam[s]," one page, 7.75 x 14.25, February 16, 1779. Handwritten letter from Passy to M. de Sartine, in part: "By the late Appointment of a plenipotentiary at this Court, I am [left at] Liberty to return to my own Country, a[s it does] not appear that next Congress have any furt[her ser]vice for me to do in Europe. I therefore [wish] to return, as soon as possible. But the E[nglish] have heard so much of me, in former Times, [that] I should be very loth to be exposed to their [good-]will. If it is in your Excellency's Intent[ion] therefore, to send any Man of War, to [any] Part of the United States, I would ask the [favor] of a passage for myself, my little Son, [and] one servant." Trimmed, folded, and tipped into John Adams by John T. Morse, Jr. In very good condition, with horizontal folds reinforced on the reverse, and the right-hand side of the page trimmed off, affecting the last words in most lines and the end of Adams's signature; the book also has a broken front hinge and a few tears to the endpapers. John Adams served as envoy to France from November 28, 1777, to March 8, 1779; he announces his departure by this letter, and would arrive back in Massachusetts on August 2nd. In late 1779, Adams would be appointed as the sole minister charged with negotiations to establish a commercial treaty with Britain and end the war.

7. Alexander Hamilton - ALS
ALS signed as Secretary of the Treasury, "Alexander Hamilton," one page, 7.5 x 9.75, February 8, 1793. Handwritten letter to "The President, Directors & Company of the Bank of the United States," in part: "I have to request that you will make a further advance of Five Thousand Dollars to Messrs. Young & D...on account of their clothing contract with the public." Folded and tipped into Alexander Hamilton by Henry Cabot Lodge. In very good to fine condition, with heavy intersecting folds affecting the signature, and a small fold split toward the blank, bottom area of the letter. A highly sought-after letter penned by the first United States Secretary of the Treasury.

8. Gouverneur Morris - ALS
ALS signed "Gouv. Morris," one page both sides, 7.25 x 9, May 17, 1791. Handwritten letter to "Ruellan & Compagnie," responding to an offer and providing some business advice. In part: "There is no doubt that in consequence of the late Decrees of the Assembly your Shipping will be exposed to material inconvenience in our Ports and in all probability heavy Duties will be laid on Articles they may introduce this Danger renders the speculation you propose too hazardous. Add to this that I am already interested in four different Ships trading to India one of which is gone on a voyage similar, to that you propose and another will probably take the same Route...Should you pursue your Plan I would recommend that you introduce in America muscovado or clayed Sugars if to be had in Preference to sugar candy...Our consumption of black pepper is very limited and may easily be over done. Your best Port in America will be New York being the most easy of Access." Folded and tipped into Gouverneur Morris by Theodore Roosevelt. In very good condition, with scattered staining and repairs to split folds.

9. John Jay - DS
Manuscript DS signed "John Jay," one page, 7.25 x 4.75, November 2, 1793. Financial document related to a transaction with a fellow founder, in part: "Rec'd...of Robert Morris Esqr. five hundred & nine Dollars & twenty five Cents on account of money—arising from my share of the sales &c of Lands in the new Patents in Orange County." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into John Jay by George Pellew. In very fine condition. A fantastic, boldly signed document from Jay's time as first chief justice of the United States.

10. John Marshall - ALS with Free Frank
ALS signed "J. Marshall," one page, 8 x 9.75, April 7, 1800. Handwritten letter to Governor James Monroe of Virginia, in full: "The proceedings of the legislature of Virginia which you have been pleased to transmit to me, reached me in safety. I thank you for them." Addressed on the integral leaf in Marshall's hand to "His Excellency, Governor Monroe, Richmond, Virginia," and franked in the upper right, "J. Marshall." Folded and tipped into John Marshall by Allan B. Magruder. In very good to fine condition, with a few edge tears and some offsetting to ink. At this time, Marshall was serving as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Virginia's 13th district.

11. Thomas Jefferson - LS
LS as Secretary of State, signed "Th: Jefferson," one page, 7.5 x 9.5, December 20, 1790. Letter to William Hill, in part: "The President of the United States desiring to avail the Public of your Services as attorney of the United States in and for the North Carolina District, I have now the Honor of enclosing you the Commission, and of expressing to you the Sentiments of perfect Esteem." Folded and tipped into Thomas Jefferson by John T. Morse, Jr. In very good to fine condition, with neatly repaired splits to intersecting folds.

The recipient, William Hill, appointed United States district attorney for North Carolina by President George Washington in 1790, as announced here by Jefferson as his Secretary of State. Interestingly, Hill would be appointed judge of the United States District Court for the District of North Carolina by President John Adams at the close of his term, but the designation was withdrawn by President Jefferson.

12. James Madison - LS
LS signed "J. Madison, Jr.," one page, 6.5 x 8, September 20, 1783. Letter to a gentleman replying to an inquiry about "the disposition of the British section with respect to our commerce." In part: "Altho' we are not informed what is the ultimate determination of France on this subject, there is reason to apprehend, some indulgences excepted, a policy will be adopted by that nation similar to that of Britain." Signed at the conclusion by three of Virginia's delegates to the continental Congress: James Madison, Joseph Jones, and John Francis Mercer. Folded and tipped into James Madison by Sydney Howard Gay. The letter is in fine condition; the book's front joint is broken. A significant letter on foreign relations, sent mere weeks after the Treaty of Paris was concluded to end the war.

13. Albert Gallatin - ALS
ALS signed "Albert Gallatin," one page, 7.75 x 10, April 25, 1822. Handwritten letter to an attorney, in part: "I have the honour to enclose a packet, received from the Minister of Hesse Darmstadt at this court, containing the evidence necessary to identify the heirs...Having heard nothing, since I left the United States, respecting my suit...I will thank you to let me know what has been done & in what situation it now is." Folded and tipped into Albert Gallatin by John Austin Stevens. In fine condition, with light staining.

14. James Monroe - Handwritten Letter and Signature
Unsigned handwritten letter by James Monroe, one page, 7.75 x 9.75, November 24, 1794. Handwritten letter In part: "I have to announce to you that the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate has appointed Peter F. Dobree of Nantes Vice Consul for the Port of Nantes and other ports within its vicinity, and Francis Coffyn of Dunkirk Consul for the Port of Dunkirk & other ports within its vicinity." Affixed in the blank lower margin is an ink signature, "Jas. Monroe," clipped from a later document signed as Secretary of State. Folded and tipped into James Monroe by Daniel C. Gilman. In very good condition, with heavy overall foxing.

15. John Quincy Adams - LS
LS signed "John Quincy Adams," one page, 7.75 x 10.25, June 1, 1822. Letter to US Minister to Portugal Henry Dearborn, in part: " directed to assure you of the high satisfaction with which the President has learnt of your acceptance of the appointment of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of Lisbon. Your commission, credential letter, and instructions, will be forwarded to you in a few days." Folded and tipped into John Quincy Adams by John T. Morse, Jr. In fine condition. Dearborn, who had served under Benedict Arnold and George Washington during the Revolution, had also been Secretary of War under President Thomas Jefferson. He would served as Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal until June 30, 1824, when, by his own request, he was recalled.

16. John Randolph - ALS
ALS signed "J. R. of Roanoke," one page, 7.75 x 9.75, July 6, 1829. Handwritten letter to Henry Tucker, in part: "I got home on Sunday, just at sun-set, exhausted & chilled, & I have been sick ever since—but for want of company—for Mr. B. & Mr. Sullivan R. (son of my friend Kidder) staid with me until mid-day, Saturday; & Leigh came to dinner the next day." Folded and tipped into John Randolph by Henry Adams. In very good condition, with splits to intersecting folds and light overall staining.

17. Andrew Jackson - ADS
Third-person ADS, signed twice, "A. Jackson," one page, 5.5 x 7.75, no date. Financial document in the hand of Andrew Jackson, recording some transactions involving a "Jocky Club," incorporating his name twice within the text; the document concludes: "balance due A. Jackson: $13." Folded and tipped into Andrew Jackson by William Graham Sumner. In fine condition.

18. Martin Van Buren - ALS
Third-person ALS, one page, 7.75 x 9, May 1, 1852. Handwritten letter from Lindenwald, in part: "Mr. Van Buren presents his kind regards to his old friend Col. Thompson and returns thanks for a copy of the Col's very able & interesting sketch of the life & character of Mr. Speaker Boyd." Folded and tipped into Martin Van Buren by Edward M. Shepard. In fine condition.

19. Henry Clay - ALS with Free Frank
ALS signed "H. Clay," one page, 7.5 x 9.75, February 4, 1817. Handwritten letter to a woman near Lexington, Kentucky, in part: "I rec'd your favor of the 17th ulto. containing the papers which you wished to be handed to the French Legation...My family enjoys very good health. Theodore and Thomas have just joined us and we are very happy to have all our children around us. The young gentlemen are greatly improved, & speak French pretty well. What think you of my determination to put them in a Jesuit's College in Geo. Town?" Addressed on the integral leaf in Clay's hand, and franked in the upper right: "Free, H. Clay." Folded and tipped into Henry Clay (Vol. I) by Carl Schurz. In very good condition, with staining, repairs paper loss, and splits to intersecting folds.

20. Henry Clay - ALS
ALS signed "H. Clay," one page, 8 x 10, February 13, 1841. Handwritten letter declining a speaking engagement, in part: "I have received your invitation to deliver a lecture before the Mechanical Library Association of Baltimore. I should be most happy to comply with the works of the Society, which you have done me the honor to communicate, but I regret to be obliged to say that my numerous other engagements will not allow me." The letter is loosely laid-in to Henry Clay (Vol. II) by Carl Schurz, which has an ALS by Treasury Secretary William H. Crawford tipped in. In very good to fine condition, with intersecting folds and light staining.

21. Daniel Webster - ALS
ALS signed "Dan'l Webster," one page both sides, 4.25 x 6.75, April 18, [no year]. Handwritten letter to "Hon. Mr. Dallas," in part: "I send you the 'Gen'l. outline, or statement of the case,' which I put together yesterday. I wish you would look to the remark at the end of it, & call the attention of the Secretary to it, at some time, if you think it necessary, altho' the remark suggests only a common idea." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into Daniel Webster by Henry Cabot Lodge. In fine condition.

22. John C. Calhoun - ALS
ALS signed "J. C. Calhoun," one page, 7.75 x 9.75, December 10, 1833. Handwritten letter regarding an appointment, in part: "If there be a vacancy, and South Carolina be entitled according to usage to recommend an appointment for a warrant of midshipman in the United States Navy, we respectfully suggest the name of John A. Boykin of Camden, South Carolina for the same." Signed at the conclusion by several members of South Carolina's delegation to Congress: John C. Calhoun, William C. Preston, Warren R. Davis, John M. Felder, John K. Griffin, William Clowney, George McDuffie, Henry L. Pinckney, and William J. Grayson. Folded and tipped into John C. Calhoun by Dr. H. von Holst. In fine condition, with reinforcements to intersecting folds.

23. Thomas Hart Benton - ALS
ALS signed "Thomas H. Benton," one page, 7.5 x 9.75, August 10, [1820s]. Handwritten letter to Secretary of the Navy Samuel L. Southard, in part: "Replying upon the statement of Mr. Hempstead, whose letter is inclosed, I recommend Mr. Manuel Lisa for the place which he solicits." Trimmed, folded, and tipped into Thomas H. Benton by Theodore Roosevelt. In fine condition, with reinforcements to intersecting folds.

24. Lewis Cass Jr. - ALS
ALS signed "Lewis Cass, Jr.," one page, 7.5 x 9.5, April 8, 1849. Handwritten letter explaining a delay in payment, in part: "When I left Washington I expected to return there in the course of a few weeks. But I have been sent from place to place, till I have finally got home again—& now I have just rec'd orders to get to Mexico. These circumstances will explain why my account with you has remained unpaid." Folded and tipped into Lewis Cass by Andrew C. McLaughlin. In fine condition.

25. Abraham Lincoln - AES
Autograph endorsement signed as president, "A. Lincoln," on the reverse of a letter sent to him by Secretary of State William H. Seward, one page, 4.75 x 7.75, Department of State letterhead, October 10, 1863. Lincoln writes, in full: "If the appointment within requested can be consistently made, I shall really be very glad." Seward's letter, addressed to "The Honorable Secretary of the Navy," in part: "Permit me to introduce to you Mr. Francis H. Harrington, son of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and to warmly recommend his application for a position in the Marine Corps." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into Abraham Lincoln (Vol. I) by John T. Morse, Jr. In very good to fine condition, with neatly repaired splits to intersecting folds.

Captain Francis H. Harrington was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Marines on December 8, 1864, and was first assigned to Marine Barracks, Washington Navy Yard, until 1865; he then served on the famous USS Kearsarge, the USS Juniata, and the USS Saratoga between 1867 and 1883. He would go on to serve in the Spanish-American War aboard the USS Panther and USS Resolute. A desirable presidential endorsement by Abraham Lincoln for a prolific US Marine.

26. Stephen A. Douglas - ALS
ALS signed "Stephen A. Douglas," one page, 5 x 7.75, July 11, 1860. Handwritten letter to Hon. Fernando Wood, in part: "Will you do me the favor to call at No. 83 at your earliest convenience today or tonight. I desire to consult you on important matters." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into Abraham Lincoln (Vol. II) by John T. Morse, Jr. In fine condition, with a broken front hinge to the book.

27. William H. Seward - ALS
ALS signed "William H. Seward," one page both sides, 4.75 x 7.75, November 5, 1854. Handwritten letter to Dr. E. P. O'Callaghan, in part: "My son Frederick writes me that you want the 2d volume of Schoolcraft's Indian Work. Each member of Congress has one sett and no more...I therefore advise you to apply to him directly by letter." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into William Henry Seward by Thornton Kirkland Lothrop. The letter is in fine condition; the book has partial splits to the spine.

28. Salmon P. Chase - ALS
ALS signed "S. P. Chase," one page, 5 x 7.75, State of Ohio Executive Department letterhead, January 12, 1857. Handwritten letter, in part: "I send you some letters & hope you may have some pleasure if no advantage for them." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into Salmon Portland Chase by Albert Bushnell Hart. In fine condition.

29. Charles Francis Adams - ALS
ALS signed "Charles Francis Adams," one page both sides, 7.25 x 9, May 22, 1875. Handwritten letter to "Messrs. Sawyer & Chandler," in part: "You have, I fear, very much overrated my powers in calling upon me to help in the task you have undertaken. It is now just about thirty years ago that I ventured upon a similar experiment, and I look back to the two years I spent upon it as the most exhausting labor of my life. Yet I still think no occupation more useful and honorable, if carried on with honesty and firmness. There has never been a time when the people of this country were ready to be guided by wisdom and sound principles wherever they can find it. They do not so much need the counsels of party organisations as those of disinterested and discriminating judgment. Parties are inseparable from free Institutions, but there is a limit to their action which should never be lost sight of, and that is the paramount rule of right...In my opinion the course of education in America should be more directed to the attainment of the means of success in this line than it has yet been." Folded and tipped into Charles Francis Adams by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. In fine condition, with reinforcements to intersecting folds.

30. Charles Sumner - ALS
ALS signed "Charles Sumner," one page, 5 x 7.75, November 27, 1855. Handwritten letter to a colonel, in part: "I shall be glad to serve your young Virginian, if I can. I leave home to-morrow & shall reach Washington Friday evening, & go at once to the pleasant lodgings which your kindness aided me in procuring." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into Charles Sumner by Moorfield Storey. In very good to fine condition, with a small stain and tear to the beginning of the signature.

31. Thaddeus Stevens - ALS with Free Frank
ALS signed "Thaddeus Stevens," one page, 7.75 x 9.75, December 14, 1849. Handwritten letter to Thomas Elder, in part: "We have no speaker yet; but we have had some fun in seeing the Southern chivalry 'tear their shirts.' But I think they will find that the race of Dough faces is extinct." He goes on to discuss a financial matter. Addressed on the integral leaf by Stevens, and franked in the upper right, "Free, Th. Stevens, H.R." Folded and tipped into Thaddeus Stevens by Samuel W. McCall. In fine condition, with minor reinforcements to folds.

32. Gideon Welles - LS
LS signed "Gideon Welles," one page, 7.75 x 9.75, Navy Department letterhead, July 18, 1864. Letter to John J. Almy, commander of the USS Connecticut. In full: "Cruise ten to fifteen days for the Florida from Chesapeake to the North East then go into Boston for final repairs." Folded and tipped into the General Index to the American Statesmen Series by Theodore Clarke Smith. The letter is in fine condition, with reinforcements to folds; the book's front joint is broken.

Second Series.
1. Ulysses S. Grant - ALS
Civil War-dated ALS signed "U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen," one page, 7.5 x 8.5, Head Quarters Armies of the United States letterhead, August 22, 1864. Handwritten letter to Maj. Gen. Butler, in part: "I think it will be well to hold the 10th Corps ready to make the effort that was proposed for this morning for a day or two before moving it. The enemy may be induced to move most of his troops from your front in the hope of dislodging us from the Weldon Road." Trimmed, folded, and tipped into Ulysses S. Grant by Louis Coolidge. In fine condition.

The X Corps, which was part of the Army of the James commanded by Benjamin F. Butler, had recently taken part in the disastrous Battles of Proctor's Creek (May 12-16) on Cold Harbor (May 31-June 12), both of which resulted in massive Union losses and halted Butler's offensive against Richmond. In the present letter, Grant refers to the recent Battle of Globe Tavern, also known as the Second Battle of the Weldon Railroad, fought August 18-21, 1864, south of Petersburg, Virginia. It was the the second attempt of the Union Army to sever the Weldon Railroad during the siege of Petersburg, and marked the the first Union victory in the Richmond-Petersburg Campaign.

2. John Sherman - ALS
ALS signed "John Sherman," one page, 5 x 8, September 30, 1861. Handwritten letter following up on previous correspondence, in part: "I have to say that I have not as yet received the letter to which you refer." Inlaid into a larger sheet and tipped into John Sherman by Theodore E. Burton. In fine condition.

3. James G. Blaine - LS
LS signed "James G. Blaine," one page, 7.75 x 10, June 3, 1890. Handwritten letter to Secretary of the Interior John Willock Noble, in part: "I beg to return herewith the Pension Papers of Daniel Bechtel, which were sent to our Consul at Victoria at the request of the Commissioner of Pensions. The Consul states that Mr. Bechtel left Victoria about the 7th ultimo. for Butte City, Montana, to remain several months." Folded and tipped into James Gillespie Blaine by Edward Stanwood. In very good to fine condition, with tape reinforcement to one fold affecting the beginning of the signature.

4. Thomas Brackett Reed - ALS
ALS signed "T. B. Reed," one page, 5.25 x 8.25, House of Representatives letterhead, June 9, 1884. Handwritten letter to Gen. Lewis Merrill, in part: "I will send your letter to Mrs. Hannah P. Merrill my wife's mother who may be able to direct you to whom you can write. I am unable myself to aid your wishes tho' I should be glad to for I have done just enough of that kind of searching to sympathize therewith." Trimmed and tipped into Thomas Brackett Reed by Samuel W. McCall. In fine condition.

5. John Hay - ALS
ALS signed "John Hay," one page, 5.75 x 8.25, New-York Tribune letterhead, June 2, 1881. Handwritten letter to Jacob R. Shipherd, in part: "I regret that I have delayed so long an answer to your letter...I inclose your prospectus. I am not in position to take part in the enterprise." Folded and tipped into John Hay (Vol. I) by William Roscoe Thayer. In fine condition.

6. Grover Cleveland and John Hay - ALSs
ALS signed "Grover Cleveland," one page both sides, 4 x 6, The Victoria letterhead, May 15, 1889. Handwritten letter to Roswell Smith, declining an invitation. In part: "I should be glad to be present at this meeting, for I know it will be an occasion of great interest and one of edification and improvement to the participants. But I regret to say that my engagements are such that I am obliged to deny myself the pleasure." Tipped into John Hay (Vol. II) by William Roscoe Thayer. Loosely laid in is an ALS by John Hay, one page, 4.5 x 7, personal letterhead, no date but annotated "1891," in part: "I should be glad to give you any aid in my power; but we did not make any very extended researches in that direction."

7. William McKinley - TLS
TLS signed "W. McKinley," one page, 5.25 x 8.5, personal letterhead, April 21, 1896. Letter to William E. Curtis, in full: "I am very much obliged to your of the 15th, and will communicate at once with General Grovesnor." Trimmed and tipped into William McKinley (Vol. I) by Charles S. Olcott. In fine condition.

8. Theodore Roosevelt - TLS
TLS signed "Theodore Roosevelt," one page, 4.75 x 8, United States Civil Service Commission letterhead, December 24, 1894. Letter to William L. Curtis, in full: "Many thanks for the amendments, I'll submit them to Lodge at once." Tipped into William McKinley (Vol. II) by Charles S. Olcott. In fine condition.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Fine Autograph and Artifacts Featuring JFK 60th / Presidents
  • Dates: #678 - Ended November 08, 2023