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Lot #166
John Marshall Autograph Letter Signed on Supreme Court Opinion

Chief Justice John Marshall aids in accurate reporting of the Supreme Court's decisions: "You will probably observe occasional inaccuracies in the opinions of the court...oblige me by noticing them & setting them right"

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Sold For:  $7,155

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Chief Justice John Marshall aids in accurate reporting of the Supreme Court's decisions: "You will probably observe occasional inaccuracies in the opinions of the court...oblige me by noticing them & setting them right"

ALS signed “J. Marshall,” one page, 8 x 10.25, April 2, 1803. Handwritten letter to Judge William Cranch, who was then serving as Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. In full: "I have received yours of the 24th ultimo. I cannot find the opinion of the court in the case of Resler v. Shehee & do not recollect it sufficiently to say what was its purpose. I am inclined to think that the plea was supposed to amount only to the general issue, or in some other respect to be faulty; but I really have not the subject sufficiently impressed on my memory to speak of it with any confidence. I thank you for the corrections you have made in the case of Wilson v. Mason. You will probably observe occasional inaccuracies in the opinions of the court in consequence of the hurry with which they are drawn up. You will always oblige me by noticing them & setting them right." In very good to fine condition, with multiple intersecting folds, and light toning and minor chipping to the edges.

The decision in Resler v. Shehee, issued on December 11, 1801, approved the use of judicial discretion on whether or not to hear appeals filed late. Marshall also makes note of the Wilson v. Mason case, which resolved a dispute between George Wilson and founding father George Mason over a large tract of land in present-day Kentucky.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: Fine Autograph and Artifacts Featuring Revolutionary War
  • Dates: #670 - Ended July 12, 2023

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