Small .25″ x .25″ fragment of heatshield plug attested to as being removed from the Apollo 13 Command Module Odyssey after its harrowing return flight and South Pacific Ocean recovery. The fragment is affixed to a color satin-finish 10 x 8 presentation photo of the Odyssey onboard the USS Iwo Jima after splashdown. In fine condition. Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from Florian Noller of Spaceflori, who writes: “I certify that the honeycomb heatshield attached to the photo presentation is an authentic flown piece from the Apollo 13 Command Module ‘Odyssey.’ It was removed after the flight and kept by William Witte, NASA engineer for ablative heatshield at that time.” Noller has also signed and numbered the reverse of the presentation photo as “Sample #58.”