Flown Lunar Module Contingency Checklist page carried to the lunar surface aboard the Lunar Module Challenger during the Apollo 17 mission, 6 x 8, signed and flight-certified in black felt tip, "Flown to Taurus Littrow—Gene Cernan, Apollo XVII." The double-sided Flight Data File page, dated August 31, 1972, pages 5-13 and 5-14, with tab marked “PTC, Staging,” relates to the Primary Guidance and Navigation System (PGNS) and the Passive Thermal Control (PTC) procedure for the CSM/LM configuration. The PTC, also known as the Barbecue mode, was when the LM/CSM stack was oriented with its long axis perpendicular to the Sun so that, when the spacecraft was put into a slow rotation around that axis, heating and cooling would be relatively uniform. In fine condition.