(Walt Disney Studios, 1953) Original production master background set-up of Tinker Bell and Captain Hook from Peter Pan, which shows the Neverland pirate in a huge close-up pose as he tricks the hovering fairy to reveal the secret location of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys; Tink is shown in an excellent full-length flying pose, her expression one of disdain towards the devious Jolly Roger captain. The cels are placed on a hand-painted production background from the same film. The Tinker Bell and wings cels are slightly trimmed to 13.25 x 11.75, the Hook cel is marked "A11," and the character images measure 3.5 x 2.25 (Tink) and 10.5 x 11 (Hook), with overall dimensions of 15.75 x 12.5. In fine condition, with trimmed edges to cels and background.