Three publications dealing with enslavement and progress of African-American people in the United States, including: a 55-page pamphlet entitled "The Patriarchal Institution, as described by Members of Its Own Family" by Lydia Maria Child, published in New York in 1860 as a Republican campaign document directly attacking the institution of slavery; a 32-page pamphlet entitled "The Negro Question" by George Washington Cable, published in New York in 1888 by the American Missionary Society, concerning the rights and integration of African-Americans in the South; and a first edition of The Black Man's Burden by William H. Holtzclaw, with an introduction by Booker T. Washington, published in New York by The Neale Publishing Company in 1915. In very good to fine condition, with the "Patriarchal Institution" missing its wrappers, and "The Negro Question" missing its rear wrapper.