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Lot #4047
Ludwik Silberstein's Photographic Papers

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Estimate: $200+
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Material from Silberstein's personal archive associated with his research in optics and photography, primarily related to his long-term consultancy with the Eastman Kodak Corporation. Includes:

First edition book: Elements of the Electromagnetic Theory of Light by Ludwik Silberstein. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Hardcover, 5 x 7.5, 48 pages. Annotated on the front and rear pastedowns by Silberstein, "Published 3. Aug. 1918" and "Rec'd (18 copies) from Longmans the 3. Aug. 1918."

Offprint booklet of "Quantum Theory of Photographic Exposure" by Dr. Ludwik Silberstein, from the Philosophical Magazine (July 1922), 5.5 x 8.75, seventeen pages, bound in its original wrappers.

Offprint booklet of "A Fundamental Criterion of Uniform Representability of Equiluminous Colors on a Geometrical Surface" by Dr. Ludwik Silberstein, from the Journal of the Optical Society of America (September 1942), 8 x 10.5, five pages, bound in its original wrappers.

Offprint booklet of "Investigations on the Intrinsic Properties of the Color Domain II" by Dr. Ludwik Silberstein, from the Journal of the Optical Society of America (January 1943), 8 x 10.5, ten pages, bound in its original wrappers.

Original matte-finish 10.25 x 8.5 silver gelatin photograph of Kodak's physicists—Lloyd A. Jones, C. E. Kenneth Mees, Fred M. Bishop, A. P. H. Trivelli, Ludwik Silberstein, and one other—affixed to an 11.25 x 10 mount.

Letter to Silberstein from the executive offices of Life Magazine, one page, 7.25 x 11, June 27, 1944, in full: "Because the 12-page photographic essay on 'Color,' in the current issue of Life, is the first attempt of this kind that has ever been made to explain this science to the general public in words and colored photographs, I thought you would be particularly interested to see it, and to have these extra tearsheets for your files. And I thought you would also like to have the 'Speaking of Pictures' section from the same issue, explaining how some of the photographs for this essay were produced. It was a large undertaking for a magazine printed on high speed process with standard printing inks, and I am sure our Editors would be very glad to have your frank comments on the results." Includes the tearsheets of the articles referenced.

In overall fine condition.

From the collection of physicist Ludwik Siberstein.

Auction Info

  • Auction Title: The Einstein Archives of Ludwik Silberstein
  • Dates: #609 - Ended May 20, 2021
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