Min Bid: $200 (0 bids)
The 30 Minute Rule begins April 17 at 7:00 PM EDT. An Initial Bid Must Be Placed By April 17 at 6:00 PM EDT To Participate After 6:00 PM EDT
Detailed original vintage semi-glossy 10.25 x 13.5 silver gelatin photograph of the moon's surface taken by Lunar Orbiter 2 in November 1966, showing an ultra close-up vertical view of an unnamed crater. Affixed to a 16 x 18 mount, with an affixed caption on the reverse, in part: "This vertical view of the moon recorded by Lunar Orbiter II was taken with the 24 inch lens. The orbiter was at an altitude of about 28 miles on its 92nd orbit. This print is a 2x enlargement from a reassembly negative made to show the rocks strewn from the crater, which is about 1900 feet in diameter…Site P11B. Frame 171. KI-2072." Also annotated on the reverse in felt tip, "Elle, Kodak." In very good to fine condition, with a block of toning to the center of the image, a surface impression at center, and edgewear and slight soiling to the mount.