Nike Hercules Rocket/Missile Auxiliary Power Unit, mounted inside an 18″ x 36″ x 12″ metal stand, with an Airesearch tag on the body, reading: "Power Unit, Turbine, Electric, Hydraulic, Part 550158, Model APU5-9-1, Serial 39-2194," noting its fuel as "Ethylene Oxide." Attached to the turbine are a Vickers "Hyd. Missile Pack" and "Accumulator Reservoir," as well as an Airesearch "Control Power Unit" and "Drive Unit Turbine Hydraulic." An inspection sticker dates the unit to "1Q59." In fine condition. Developed as a nuclear surface-to-air missile, the Nike Hercules was first deployed in 1958.
Due to the size and fragile nature of this item, it is considered OVERSIZED. Please call RR Auction for a shipping (FREIGHT) quote.