American statesman (1794-1865) renowned for his oratory, best remembered for giving the speech preceding Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Group of three ALSs, totaling eight pages, dated from 1827 to 1859. The first, dated August 13, 1827, in part: "In this Region we have scarce any Presbyterians; but it may nevertheless be well to let our community see the kind of weapons with which the war is elsewhere waged. My own eye sight is so wretched since my illness that I am obliged to husband it, as much as possible, but I will endeavor to put the sermon into good hands"; the second, dated March 17, 1857, concerns "the name of Mr. Hinds' asteroid"; the third, dated February 11, 1859, in part: "It would give me pleasure, at some future time, to repeat my address on the character of Washington at the plans mentioned by you; but owing to the greater number of earlier applications now on hand, it is not in my power at present to make a more particular appointment." In overall fine condition.