Excellent Canyon Diablo iron meteorite slice and whole individual, originating from the iconic ‘Meteor Crater’ area in Arizona, the most famous meteorite feature on Earth. The partial etched slice weighs 38.3 grams and measures approximately 50 mm x 40 mm x 4 mm. The whole individual weighs 347.9 grams and measures approximately 80 mm x 58 mm x 28 mm. The whole individual shows a characteristic natural bronze patina, and is marked in white ink, “CD.” Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by Geoff Notkin of Aerolite Meteorites Inc. and the TV show Meteorite Men, as well as two specimen identification cards.
Meteor Crater is easily the most recognizable and best-known meteorite feature on Earth. Estimates of its age vary from 25,000 to 50,000 years, but all parties concur that it is the finest and best-preserved large meteorite crater on our planet. It was the first proven meteorite crater, and seminal meteoriticist H. H. Nininger conducted years of research at the site. Nininger also opened the world's first private meteorite museum nearby. During the 1960s and 1970s, NASA astronauts trained in the crater to prepare for the Apollo missions to the moon. Canyon Diablo is a steep-sided ravine some distance west of the crater, and meteorites found around the crater take their name from it (the convention being that meteorites are named after the nearest town or geographical feature to their fall location). Today, Meteor Crater is internationally recognized as a scientific site of unique importance, and meteorite hunting is no longer permitted. Older specimens found during the first half of the 19th century are, therefore, highly desirable.