Revolutionary War–dated partly-printed DS, signed “H. Gardner,” one page, 10.5 x 5, January 1, 1780. State of Massachusetts Bay financial document ordering the payment of £370 to Peter Warren for varied goods “according as Five Bushels of Corn, Sixty-eight Pounds and four-sevenths Parts of a Pound of Beef, Ten Pounds of Sheep's Wool, and Sixteen Pounds of Sole Leather shall then cost, more or less than One Hundred and Thirty Pounds current, at the then current Prices of said Articles…The current Price of said Articles, and the consequent Value of every Pound of the Sum herein promised, to be determined agreeable to a Law…[for] this States Quota of the Continental Army.” Signed at the conclusion by the treasurer and two members of the committee. In fine condition, with expected document wear and light ink cancellation marks to the treasurer’s signature. An interesting early financial document relating debt to the prices of commodities, adjusting debts and payments based on what was essentially a cost of living index.