Set of five classic photos taken by renowned photographer William Gottlieb, including: a matte-finish 9.75 x 8 photo of Eddie Condon holding his guitar; a semi-glossy 10 x 8 behind-the-scenes image of Django Reinhardt playing cards with several members of the Duke Ellington band; a matte–finish 7.75 x 9.75 photo of Hot Lips Page playing his trumpet; a matte-finish 8 x 9.75 image of Baby Dodds on his drums; and a matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Harry Carney playing his saxophone. Excluding the Reinhardt image, the other four photos bear a photographer’s stamp (to lower right or reverse). In overall fine condition, with some silvering to the matte-finish photos (especially the Condon). Learn more about Larry Rafferty.